Who is Adiyogi?


 Adiyogi is the first God of Yogic science. He is the Lord of Yoga, Yoga preaching and Yogic influence. Adiyogi is believed to be the existence of the first-ever person to have known Yoga and talks about the possibility of attaining the posture that can be attained by self-understanding, self-love and most importantly, self- inspiration. Adiyogi was treated as the first instructor of everything that could be connected to inner reading and understanding to implement the same to derive benefit.


The term Adiyogi means the Start of Yogis. Adi in Sanskrit means beginning or start or first. Yogi means the one who knows about Yoga and practices it. Adiyogi, therefore, means the one who started the Yoga and Yogic culture along with preaching it and following it by themselves.


Lord shiva was sitting at the base of the glacier that melts in the Kanti Sarovar. He was deeply absorbed in his meditation when he attained the state of oblivion. He was so engrossed in his activity that he didn’t care about the world and its repercussions. Lord Shiva was only focused upon what he was feeling and what it meant in macro as well as micro concepts. Slowly, the onlookers started developing an interest in the formation and change Lord Shiva was going through. Some of them stayed, some of them got scared so ran away and some others stood to document the details. After a long time of staying in meditation, when Shiva opened his eyes, he saw that a lot of people were scared of what bodily transformations he was going through, yet some of them stayed and did not move to document all they could understand for the masses at large. He understood that these people were sitting out of respect. He asked them to go and not be a party to something they cannot understand. This behavior of Shiva scared more people at large.

Lord brahma, the creator of universe and the person responsible for all the odds and unevenness on the Earth, saw this and became tense. He knew Lord Shiva had discovered something beyond words and common understanding. He understood the need for continuous monitoring of Lord Shiva by someone who holds competence in the science of understanding and virtue. This, someone, had to understand all the basic traits of behavior like psychology, personality, attitude, emotion, prejudice, thinking and reasoning. Lord Brahma knew that it will be impossible for one person to embody all these traits with perfection and then be able to capture what Lord Shiva is going through and what he will preach thereafter. Thus, Lord Brahma created 7 Manasputras (mind-born sons) who were responsible for managing all the traits, mapping Lord Shiva’s mental procedure and documenting all the activities and changes they witnessed with and around Lord Shiva in his state of meditation and deep thinking. These seven saints came to be known as Saptarishis.


Adiyogi is the first person to know, feel and understand the problems of the world and make sure to find a solution to the same. The inference of the same is that Adiyogi is the first Guru of the universe. Due to his understanding of everything related to the human mind and body, he was able, to sum up, all the experiences and activities in human life as Sat, Chit and Ananda — Truth, Awareness and Bliss.

The Adiyogi shiva statue is made and established in Coimbatore, India. It is a symbol of peace, knowledge and wisdom. It represents the 112 Chakras of the human body that can be activated the moment the person worships Lord Shiva and Adiyogi and follows the steps to the best lifestyle given by the Saptarishis.

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